Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Special Time With Hunt Grandparents

After the funeral we spent a couple of days with my parents and uncle Jason. Leif and I worked on homework in the mornings and then spent the rest of the day playing. Sunday we relaxed and had a nice dinner. The neighbors have two kittens that the boys LOVED! Leif enjoyed watching a basketball playoff game with my dad. Fun!

By Sunday night I still wasn't sure if I should play hard with everyone the next day. I was pretty sore and pregnant. But I woke up feeling good so I went along with all of the fun. And we did have FUN! Grandma Hunt went with us to the zoo for the afternoon. The weather was heavenly. I was so grateful!! It was fun to see the boys' reaction to the zoo. Caleb Loved the animals! Jakob tolerated them. I've concluded that Caleb is my outside loving animal hugger. Jakob is my scientist. A fun combination.

After the zoo we went home for a power nap. We then met up with grandpa and grandma and went to a new place called Incredible Pizza. And it was incredible. Not necessarily their food. But they had a lot of fun things for everyone to do. Leif and Jakob played on the bumper cars and a game of laser tag together. How fun that Jakob is old enough. Caleb loved the arcade cars and the jungle gym. I was even able to play a game of air hockey with Jakob. It was a great night! A very full day altogether but so much fun!

We packed up and headed out the next day. I was happy that I was able to travel so well and get all of my literature homework read on the way. The kids were happy because we bought them a DVD player with their own screens for the long ride home. Leif was just happy to be done driving by the time we got home.

The sweet thing is that Leif jumped right in and unpacked the car and started helping me clean up the house that had been left a mess. Such a treasure!

So we;re home now and our house id put back together and we're back into the swing of things. Leif has his final two days of classes tomorrow and the next day. How Nice that he'll have the next few weeks without any classes!!!!!! We're excited for my sisters visit that's coming up. And time is rolling by. Good Times!
From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

From June Trip North (Zoo, Pizza, Hunts)

1 comment:

Patricia Potts said...

Thanks for the memories and picts Lena.

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