Wednesday, July 21, 2010

C--Section Update

I agree with all of you completely! The C-Section I had with the twins was a nightmare and I didn't have a baby to care for after. I read more about it last night and it only reminded me how much I DO NOT want a C-Section.

So Leif and I are praying a lot about it and doing all that we can to progress things along. But in the end, I'll have to leave it in the Lords hands.


Amy and Kris said...

Wow Lena! That would be awesome to hold your little man sooner than you expected! I hope all goes well!

Sandra said...

Did you have a C-section with the other two?

Melonee said...

I forgot that you had a CS with the girls. I hope you're feeling well and that your body is preparing for an easy labor... visualize, visualize, visualize. I'd say meditate too, but that requires some quiet time and I have a feeling that can be hard to come by for you ;)

Heidi Hamilton said...

Lena - thank you for your prayers! We're still here, but she's looking better today, so hoping to go home tomorrow.

Heidi Hamilton said...

Oh - P.S. about the C-section thing. I agree. As much as I completely relate to wanting SO MUCH to hold your little one, C-sections are always so hard. And, I'm sure Cindy would be opinionated about it. She pushed a 9.5 lb baby out.
totally understand the difficult decision it would be though. I bet his brothers are anxious to meet him, too!

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