Saturday, July 31, 2010

Welcome Baby JJ: Jonathan Jefferson Lee Baron

We are thrilled to announce the birth of Jonathan Jefferson Lee Baron, aka JJ. His delivery went great and he was born at 8 pounds 4 oz, 21 inches long. We just arrived home from the hospital tonight and are tired but well. I'll write more soon. I'll post better photos too, of course.

Baby JJ


Dawson Family said...

Congrats Lena! I am so glad all went well for you! Amy

Heidi Hamilton said...

Congrats Baron family! Another beautiful baby boy!
I was thinking the other day about how (with the exception of your precious sweet twins) we are kinda like the Potts & the Pitts so far - I have 3 girls & you have 3 boys.

Molly said...

Congratulations! Are you calling him JJ? From the one picture, he sure is cute!

Sandra said...

YAAAAAA congrats that is so exciting. What a cutie!

Kristen said...

Congratulations! Wish I was closer to hold him and help you! Way to go getting through the delivery. I love you!

Janee said...

CONGRATS! He's beautiful! Maybe I'll come take a trip up north once you guys get settled!

Sharane said...

congratulations! He is so precious. i am so glad everything went so smoothly for you & jj. i look forward to more photos of him. :)

Melonee said...

Congratulations!! He is really cute!

Latter-day Saint Mom said...

Congrats on your new addition! Looks cute!

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