Saturday, August 28, 2010

hubby here...

Lena wanted me to spell her tonight and write a little of whats going on...

Well you can read the news and get the general idea of what is going on with this man hunt, so good night...

Just kidding.

This is the biggest excitement this town has had in years. Not fun excitement, but excitement. I figured with all the cops in town there is 1 cop per 4 people in Fredonia. Though the whole situation is crazy and a little bit nerve racking, we feel pretty safe here in town. Yes we are being careful, we lock doors and turn on outside lights, but we are not scared. Also, it helps being less then a block from the IC, the command center with very heavily armed men are sitting around chatting and walking around and coming and going constantly.

I would like to put a note out about the schools decision to stay open on Thursday. I was the lead secretary at the elementary/middle school when this happened. First off, the school administrator was not notified of the incident of wed. until the buses with students started arriving Thursday morning. From that point on we were in constant contact with the police and following their recommendations. We also were on partial lock down, meaning all doors were locked and other special arrangements had been taken. We also had a cop on campus most the day. We did release the students early so that all could leave at the same time and the buses would just make one trip. Never once were we nervous for ourselves at the school but for the cops that were hunting him at the time. If we would have been notified that it was ever a little dangerous for the students we would have done things differently. So I hope you give our school a break.

Tonight we went for a drive around town. It was interesting to see the heavily armed Humvees all the many cop cars and unmarked cop cars. We sat and watched the police helicopter scanning the area. Kids thought that was awesome, Lena was wondering if someone would pull up to us because we were watching the action. "yea, we were just chatting with the FBI..."

Anyway, Its bed time, the little one thinks it about time to be awake for an hour or so, but we will try to persuade him otherwise...good night!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I'm hope he is found soon!

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