Wednesday, August 18, 2010

JJ Lee's Newborn Photo Shoot + Brothers and Family

These were taken when JJ was two weeks old. So Awesome!! Thanks Michelle!!


Sandra said...

cute! The one with him resting his head on his darling. Thats a hard position to get a baby in, good job!!! Great photos.

Harmony said...

Beautiful Pictures. So fun to see them all thanks for posting. I think of you often even if I am doing really crummy at calling. I'm sorry.

Heather said...
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Heather said...

Those are absolutely beautiful! He is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
I love you!

Heidi Hamilton said...

He is SO gorgeous! And completely a Baron boy!

Amy and Kris said...

Those are adorable pics!

Faith 'n Family said...

Cute, Cute, Cute!! Great poses, but also very natural as well.

Janee said...

Beautiful! Love the pics!

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