Thursday, August 12, 2010

On a More Positive Note

Sorry about that last post. Guess I needed to vent. But I have more pain meds today and I can see things more clearly.

Thank you sweet ladies for your Love and Encouragement! I have many things to be grateful for and I haven't been abandoned! In fact, yesterday Leif's mom had the kids off and on all day. Leif is constantly doing one thing or another to help me. If he does anything for himself it's just taking a minute to take care of the chickens or check his email. Other then that he's constantly at my beck n' call. I know I couldn't be more spoiled.

I even got new glasses yesterday!! I now have two pair of glasses. Not necessary, but very appreciated! I wanted a more light weight, blend-in, style of glasses. I have had the stand out style for 4 years and I wanted a change. Fun huh!?

So I've been craving chocolate chip coconut cookies. But I haven't the energy to make them, let alone wash the dishes after them. But I found the EASIEST recipe. And it had exactly what I wanted in them. You ready?

1 cake mix
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs

1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup nuts
1 cup coconut

Scoop on pan, bake at 350 for 7-10 minutes. Mix-In's can be anything.

So, today we had pictures taken. Originally it was a sitting for JJ's Newborn Photos. But we got the boys in there as well as Leif and I and a family photo. I am SO THRILLED! I can't wait to see them!!!

We also went out for a yummy lunch afterwards, took a great nap, AND walked to the library to register Leif and Jakob for the local Fun Run this weekend. Very Exciting!

And it was all made possible by Lortab! Bless You!


Molly said...

Hooray for pain meds! Still, take it easy or it will take longer to recover. Can't wait to see the family photos either.

Sandra said...

Can't wait to see the pics. I'm glad things are better. I can't imagine having a c-section it sounds so painful.

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