Saturday, August 14, 2010

Small Town Fun-Run

Jakob enjoys running. He has SO MUCH energy! I heard about our Small Town Fun Run and I knew Jakob would enjoy participating.

Jakob is Very lucky to have a dad who is willing to run along side him in the race. They ran the 5K. I thought for sure with it being 3 miles Jakob would insist on walking some of it. He proved me completely wrong. Apparently he and Leif ran the whole way, no walking. Jakob was the first to cross the finish line in his age group (8 years old and younger.) I was VERY proud of he and Leif. They made it in 37 minutes and 6 seconds. Awesome!

I waited at the finish line and had a good time cheering everyone on as they crossed the line. Grandma Baron walked with Caleb along the running route and watched the runners come along the way. I was so grateful for her help!!

It was a great experience! We look forward to next year. We went out to dinner today and used the gift certificate that they won. Fun Indeed!

From Small Town Fun Run


Faith 'n Family said...

Fun, Fun, Fun!
It's always neat to find something local that the kids can get into.
Glad everything is going well with the baby and family :)

Sandra said...

Wow that is awesome...way to go!!!

Heidi Hamilton said...

How completely fun! I haven't thought about it much, but I think McKinley & Ireland would love something like this. Cute pic w/ you & your newest arrival. He's a sweetie.

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