Monday, September 13, 2010

Family Prayer Rug (Knotted Shag Rug) FINISHED!

From knotted Shag Rug
I am thrilled to let you all know that IT IS FINISHED! I finally finished our Family Prayer Rug. My sweet Jakob is by far the sweetest about this rug. For some reason he has taken a particular interest in it and has encouraged me all along to get it finished. When I laid it out on the floor his first reaction was to curl up on it and sing praises to me. The sweetheart even announced that I had finished it to my in-laws yesterday as we ate dinner.

Have we used it as a soft place to gather and pray? Yes, we actually have and I LOVE it!

If you click HERE you will find the main posts about my rug. I ended up really enjoying this hobby. I'm already looking forward to starting my next rug.

This is a picture of the first loom that Leif made for me to make the string of knots.
From knotted Shag Rug

This is a picture of the loom that he made for me to weave the string of knots and sew them together to make the rug.
From knotted Shag Rug

What secrets did I learn?

  • Cut ALL of your material first so that you have an even flow of colors.

  • Don't cut the strips too wide or too long, about as wide and long as your finger is good.

  • Make the continuous strip of knots before you start sewing it together.

  • Sew it together as secure as you're willing. Small stitches will last the very longest. However, large stitches work too.

  • Cut the backing the exact size of the rug without stretching the rug.


Sandra said...

Way to go, it looks great.

Heidi Hamilton said...

CONGRATS Lena! You've worked long & hard & it looks great!

Faith 'n Family said...

Congrats! This has been a big project. It looks so nice! I always feel great after getting something done, but there is also a sadness to have a great project be done...Time to start another one :)

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