Wednesday, September 08, 2010

My Sister Has A Gift: Knitting (JJ's Blanket)

STUNNING! I love that word. It describes my sisters handiwork so well. Last year she knit my boys sweaters, a hat, and gloves. They were stunning. You know, like you open the package and just stare because you've been given something beautiful. Something you could never afford to buy. And it is homemade - Stunning! Well, she's done it again. She made JJ a blanket and yep, it's STUNNING!

Take a look! Thanks Sis, we LOVE it!!

From Heathers Blanket
From Heathers Blanket


Molly said...

It is an amazing looking blanket! How special to have.

Heather said...

Your welcome!
JJ looks so comfy on the blanket. I am so glad

Love you

Sandra said...

Wow she is talented. It's beautiful.

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