Thursday, September 02, 2010

A Tradition While Pregnant

I wrote this a couple of nights ago and wanted to post it now.

I am up with Little One here. Love those moments! Well, I try to anyway!;) I'm finally feeling more clear headed and stronger. Don't quote me on that. But I am grateful for the moment. I've had a subject floating through my mind for a while that I wanted to write about. So here it is.
It turns out that with each pregnancy I have read a series of books, or Leif has read them out loud to me. With Jakob, Leif read the Chronicles of Narnia to me. With the twins, I read MANY Anita Stansfield's. With Caleb, I read Prelude to Glory. And with JJ, Leif has read FableHaven to me.

I wonder if the themes of the books seep into the kids like music does when your pregnant? No, I'm just kidding. But some of them would make sense. However, if that were completely the case, I should have read Prelude to Glory with Jakob since he loves the military so much. Anita Stansfield's books literally saved me from having to pay a therapist to get me through the loss of my twins. I was lead through her books as I needed them. It was pretty neat!
Anyway, now I have a record of what I read. I sure am grateful for gifted authors!!


Sandra said...

Thats neat that you remember what you were reading while pregnant. I don't remember anything about being prego with Danika, I really should have written more.

Heidi Hamilton said...

What a great tradition! I've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia w/ my kids. We're almost done. LOVE them! I bet Jason would do it with me if we read Lord of the Rings together. It seems to be the only books he enjoys (besides the scriptures of course!)

Faith 'n Family said...

Great Tradition! I love your blog, I've had an enjoyable time tonight reading through your older posts.

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