Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Festival and Fondue Feast

We have had a very full and fun couple of weeks around here. Last weekend we attended our towns annual Fall Harvest Festival. It was so nice to all come together and visit with each other. Leif had an especially good time playing with all of the kids. He would let the younger kids choose a "target" then he would chase the target and swing them around. Needless to say he was Very Popular.

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

We were filled with lots of yummy foods. And came away feeling extremely grateful for the good people that surround us every day. The final hour of the night was wonderful. Once the tables were put away we ended up dancing under the pavilion. On the way home the boys and Leif played a silly game. They pretended that the moths and bugs flying into our path were missiles and the other cars were meteors. The meteors would suck the power from our lights as we passed (Leif turned off the brights.) we all joined in the fun. It was one of those priceless family moments.

This weekend Leif and I hosted our annual Fall Fondue Feast. We invited Leif's parents, brother Erik and Stacy his wife, and his Grandpa Dixon. We had fun deciding which recipes we would make and then shopped all day the day before. Leif and I ended up making A LOT of food. Faylynn helped us. The cooking before hand is part of the fun. With such great company, delicious food and fun ambiance to top it off, we had a fabulous night. We even had a rerun dinner tonight and it was still awesome!!

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

In between our fall festivities we've been able to spread gravel throughout our yard (Thanks to Leif's dad!) This will help tremendously with mud this winter and hopefully weeds in the spring. We've also just enjoyed each others company. JJ is growing up. We call him Smiley. This picture proves that it is an appropriate nic-name. Ahhh, the Joys of Family!

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010

From Fall Festival and Fall Fondue 2010


Heather said...

Thanks for the great pictures. It looks like you are all doing great and having tons of fun.

Love ya

Janee said...

Great pics! FUN! I'm gonna copy you and have a fondue night this weekend! So crazy to see the scenery there and know you guys are in's so totally different than here in the valley! I'm still waiting for it to cool down!

Faith 'n Family said...

The food looked SO lovely. I love this time of year :)

Heidi Hamilton said...

How FUN! And oh... JJ's smile in that pic - priceless!

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