Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Goodbye Wii and Netflix! Hello TIME!

In General Conference this weekend one of the speakers said "Love is spelled TIME." I know this is true. My kids are glowing after an hour of quality time. They are much nicer to each other and to me. So, today I decided to make a big change in hopes that it will bless our family. We have put away the Wii and Netflix. We use Netflix's Instant Movies daily. We don't watch anything that brings a bad feeling into the home. However, one movie can lead to another and another and another. By the end of the day I began tallying how many hours of movies compared to hours of quality time we had and the results were very poor.

Today after Jakob was home from school the boys played with their toys. We read several books together. We had nap time without a fight. After nap time Jakob and I sat together and made a 27 page Sight Words book. We copied pictures of Jets of the Internet and Jakob helped me create a sentence using his sight words for each picture. Talk about productive and TIME! After dinner Leif sat with the boys and played online games going over patterning and math. We then read a book together about Christ for Family Home Evening and then the boys took a shower. Now they're in bed and it has been a great day!

Leif came home from work today and he commented on how quiet the house was. We listened to some great piano music to liven things up a bit;)


Lena Baron said...

LEE HUNT: Your marvelous, Little Lena! Where'd you get your sweet heart and smart brain!?
Keep it up!
I hope Heather sees this! Just not having a TV isn't enough anymore -- because of the Internet and netflix!
Time! That which I had but wasted so foolishly!
Why did I go hide in my office?

Lena Baron said...

Well, you must have done SOMETHING right, you got your girls to show for it! You didn't fail us dad! I've never felt that way. It was tough with the business. But in the end, I still have fond family memories! Love You!

Molly said...

My kids fight no matter what is going on. Actually they fight more when they aren't distracted by eletronics because they have time to annoy each other. :)

So glad your family time is going so peacfully and well. It sounds like a very productive day.

Sandra said...

My kids have wanted a Wii for a long time but I don't want one just for that reason. I know they will want to play it all the time.

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