Monday, October 04, 2010

Random Photos

I wish I could make the time to write all that comes to mind (well, not EVERYTHING;) But I have a lot of topics floating around to write about. But my only quiet time is after the kids are in bed. And that is MY bed time too. So the writing has slowed down a lot. But I do have random pictures I can post. That doesn't take too much thought. The big boys are playing with a paper airplane at the moment and JJ's asleep/awake in his crib. So let's give this a try...

Turns out that some of these are photos that I wanted to make into their own post. But I haven't got a chance. So this will be a long one.

Okay, I'm taking the easy way out. I'll post them as a slide show. But I'll give you an idea of what the pictures are about.

The first few are of JJ's first bath. I can't believe how little he was. He's 13 pounds now.

The one of us holding flags on the side of the road was taken by Deseret News. We went to the funeral procession for Deputy Brian Harris of Kane County who was shot in our town. It was a very sobering experience. Sad!

One is of Caleb in his cow boy boots. He is SO CUTE!

The red pepper is from our little Earth Box garden. I was so thrilled to get a thick skinned COLORED pepper! Really, it's just because we are horrible at harvesting our veggies and they turn colors the longer they're on the vine;)

A couple of photos taken inside our Conference Tent during this October Conference.

And finally, pictures of JJ having Tummy Time. The only problem is that he fell right to sleep within a minute of sitting him there. We had to get a picture!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I have that same exact bobby pillow. I have done that before (with the pepper)

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