Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hit By A Truck!

Have you ever lay in bed and felt like you've been hit by a truck while you were asleep? I swear it must have run right over me and I didn't see a thing!!;)

Yep, today was one of those days. I could feel it coming on last night. And in the middle of the night it hit full force and lasted throughout the day. Our sleeping habits have been disturbed by Caleb's struggles from the surgery. And then JJ decided to join in the fun and fuss and cry and refuse to eat. Lovely! Luckily Leif and I make a good team and when my body won't let me move another muscle unless I HAVE to, Leif steps up and meets the need. So Lucky!

It's bed time again. The kids are in bed and I wanted to make sure they're REALLY in bed before snuggling down in my own heavenly mattress. And it looks like they are, so Gnight! Better days ahead!


Sandra said...

Hope tomorrow is better for ya

Faith 'n Family said...

Leif and you make an amazing team! Best Wishes

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