Thursday, November 11, 2010

In the hospital with Caleb...

(Papa update)

I thought I'd surprise my sweet wife and do an surprise post for her. I hope she likes it.

Let me tell you about our trip so far.

I took Wed. off so I could help pack and get ready. I'm glad I did because as always its more of a chore than planned. My sweet parents offered to let us take their car which is nicer and also more reliable. Thank you parents! We got off a bit late but that was fine. We choose several books on tape and a few regular books to read/listen to on the trip. I wasn't thinking and never pulled out the books I choose so they didn't get packed. But we ended up listening to the first part of "InkHeart" So far it was good. But regressing a little, while we were getting ready all the kids were excited.

Jakob was thrilled because he got to spend a few days with Grandpa and Grandma. (Thanks again!)

Caleb was thrilled, because we were going on a trip and we brought movies for the ride!

J.J. was thrilled...ok maybe not thrilled but he was his happy self.

Overall the trip went fine. We did joke that it looked like we went from forest to beautiful desert to the moon and back into the mountains. We had a couple stops to feed JJ but it was fine. We got into Flagstaff after dark and still had to find a walmart to get a new stroller. (yes we have a forest of them by our house but every single one has its straps destroyed or don't go with a car seat.) That we were running late, walmart also became dinner. yummm....

We were lucky, thanks to Lena's diligence and got to stay at the Taylor house next to the hospital. We got in and settled around 8:30. We put the kids to bed and had a long relaxing sleep. :) Ya right....

The short version is Caleb fell out of bed twice. The second time really waking him up so he wanted his water bottle, that he could have. We spend the next 2 hours or so looking for it. 2-4:30am. This was after we had heater problems were we couldn't sleep until midnight. Then at 5:10 sharp we started our day. Don't you love 2-3 sleep nights.

We got to the hospital to find out his appointment had been moved back an hour. grrrrrrr.

We are grateful; the surgery went well. The only bummer is he woke up before we were there. He was not happy at all. After some morphine and love he fell back asleep and never struggle that bad again today.

During the day today we has taken naps and watched a lot of movies. He has been a great trooper. He has now eaten well and drank well. His biggest complaint is the IV in his foot and that he can't run around.

This afternoon Lena took JJ back to the Taylor house and Caleb and I have had some one on one time. (We watched movies and some NBA basketball) Actually we also played on the floor together, played with his stuff animals and just had fun spending time together.

It's now 8:30 and Caleb has been asleep for around 20 minutes. I hope it is a good night for all of us. Lena and JJ need their sleep and I know Caleb and I sure could use some good sleep tonight also. If all goes well the doctor will come and sign us out early in the morning then we can go home!

Anyway, Love you Lena and you are the best Mother and Wife!


Molly said...

So glad everything is going fairly well. He sounds like he is recovering well. Take care and have a safe trip home.

Harmony said...

Glad that everything went well. Thanks for posting and letting us all know. Will you have to keep Caleb in bed for a few days or will he be able to go about after the IV comes out. Hope everyone got better sleep.

Faith 'n Family said...

Cute post by papa. Best Wishes on a quick recovery to Caleb. Glad to hear all went well

Janee said...

Glad to hear it went well! Praying for Caleb's speedy recovery!

(and wow, I didn't know you guys were 3 hours from Flagstaff! So you are basically almost 6 hours from us! Bummer. I thought you guys were closer. I've been meaning to take a trip up north to visit with Lena...)

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