Monday, January 10, 2011

Celiac Disease? Nope! Anemic? No. Mono? Nadda! I Am...

PERFECTLY HEALTHY!? Are You SERIOUS? No, I am not crazy. Okay, maybe I am. Because I did in fact hope that the doctor would tell me that I had a serious illness. But as you can see from the title of this post all of the test results came back saying that I am just fine. I should be accustomed to this by now. But it is still a bummer when it happens. Inconclusive doctor visits are very much part of my life story.

"So what exactly is Wrong?" I have been asked this a lot lately. "Are you sure it's not just the riggers of life with three little rascals?" Definitely part of it. "How about Prozac?" Takein' the Zoloft thing. "Exercise?" It could not possibly just be a lack of exercise... could it? Tis' a possibility I guess. "Sleep Apnea?" I'm not thinking so. But... I'm sleeping, how would I know!?

I had concluded that Celiac Disease fit like a long lost glove. I know that it's insane. But I wanted Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease is diagnosed by a blood test (or a biopsy.) You either have it or you don't. You can solve many of the problems from Celiac just by changing what you eat. We were ready to do that. And to think that I could look forward to a healthier, much healthier future felt like a dream come true. uhhh... Now What?

Well, as a teenager I had a little saying posted all over my room, it said "Smile Through the Tears." So that it what I will do. Luckily, I'm not often on the edge of tears. I have Very Much to be grateful for and I laugh daily. Really, I just want to feel better so I can be a better wife and mother. It's just a bummer...

So the plan? Well, I need to do everything that I can do. It's time to lose some weight. Start walking again even if it's hard. And I will be tested for any and every allergy that I can be tested for. We have one allergist within a two hour drive from us. He does not accept our insurance. So we will turn to the internet and order a Home Allergy Test Kit. So far I'm leaning towards this company: Test Your Intolerance USA. They do hair analysis that is as effective as a blood test but cheaper. So we shall see.

I know some of you might be wondering what this ramble is about. The behind the scenes. I think I have mentioned on the blog somewhat how I've been feeling the last little while. But tomorrow I will post a "For the Record" post with details about what's going on. Perhaps one of you will read it and have a idea of what might be happening. Until Then. G'Nite!


Sandra said...

My neighbors test result for celiac came back negative too but she had been on a no gluten diet for a couple weeks before, so she figures thats why. Have you tried going gluten free to see how you feel? She says she can tell a big difference even though it's not "diagnosed" by a doctor. I hope you start feeling better. I know I always expect docs to know everything that could possibly be wrong but they don't. Good luck with all the other tests your trying out.

Irene said...

The tests for Celiac disease are not very accurate. I suffered for years. Finally, went gluten free and most of the problems are gone. Do an elimination diet - IMO it's the only way to diagnose what foods are making you ill. Good luck to you - don't depend on a doctor to tell you what is wrong - they treat symptoms only!

nmesomers said...


I was wondering what you thought of the lab that you used to test your allergies. I don't have insurance, and this is a relatively affordable option in using them to send a hair sample to, but don't know much about that company. Any advice you could offer would be great! Hope all is well!


nmesomers said...

Testyourintoleranceusa is what I'm referring to by the way ;)

Unknown said...

I'm also wondering how your test turned out from testyourintoleranceusa. Could ou please let us know?

Unknown said...

I'm also wondering how your test turned out from testyourintoleranceusa. Could ou please let us know?

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