Friday, January 28, 2011

Foto Friday - January Week 4

I am going to start something new. I looked on my camera the other day and realized that I have several photos that I haven't shared. Thus, the birth of what I am calling Foto Friday! Every Friday I will post new pictures and stories. Enjoy!  - This one will be long because it's for the whole month.-

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
This is a picture of a swaddling blanket that I made for JJ since he was growing out of his Miracle Blanket. I started and finished in one evening. Leif and I call these my "Manic Sewing" projects.

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Jakob, Caleb, JJ, and Papa playing Choo Choo!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
5 Month Old JJ Hauled Around in Caleb's Tonka. Tonka Tough!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Jakob and Papa built a snowman to keep Grandpa company when Grandma was out of town.

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
We woke up to Solid Ice outside and Jakob and Papa took the chance to "Ice Skate" together. They both had a blast sliding on the ice.

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
No their eggs did not taste like shrimp the next day!;)

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Two Peas in a Pod!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
My precious JJ at 5 Months Old

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Three "Men" and a Baby:)

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Cherished Times!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
"Mommy Makeover Day" Jakob's class invited their moms to class for a special party. They had a great time fixing our hair, makeup, and nails. I took very NATURAL colors for very good reason. Sweet Memories!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
While we were having family scripture study Jakob told us out of the blue that he had invited his friend to come to church with him on Sunday. We were thrilled about that, of course. He then proceeded to tell us that he wanted to give his friend a Book of Mormon so he would be able to learn about Jesus and live with his family forever in heaven. No, we did not hesitate to help him with that request.The card said, "Dear Jaydon, I want you to have a Book of Mormon so you can learn about Jesus. -Jakob" "And the Little Child Shall Lead Them!"

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
I found these shoes at the DI (Thrift Store) and I absolutely fell in love with them! They are from Spain. Love Em!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
Mama's Boys!

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
I poured Caleb a bowl of cereal and turned around to get a spoon. But he had already found one:) An Ice cream Scoop.

From Foto Friday (January Week 4)
My Sweet JJ Loving His Bath!


Lena Baron said...

Those are great, precious pictures!
I can't believe how big and alert JJ Lee is getting!
Looks like he'll be bigger than Caleb when he's one!
What a quarter of sweet men!

Love, Grandpa Lee Hunt

Heidi Hamilton said...

What fun! Love the picture updates. And good for Jakob! Please tell me that you helped him with his spelling. There's no way McKinley would be able to spell that well right now. :)
Love the shoes. Love the "3 men & a baby" pic.
Love you!

Sandra said...

Couple questions...Why are you feeding them shrimp? Do you have a picture of the makeover he gave you in class? I think thats a fun idea.

Lena Baron said...

Heidi, Yes, we helped Jakob spell the words!;) Sandra, our chickens are like pigs, they get all of the scraps (the shrimp was old from Christmas.)Those are the extent of the Makeover photos. I didn't get too painted:)

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