Sunday, January 02, 2011

A Good Day!

Ahhh, a good day! Such a blessing! Last week I actually made it to sacrament meeting. Being the last Sunday of the year they announced the usual time change for church. Our meeting starts at 9:00 AM. I turned to Leif and whispered "I will need a priesthood blessing to get me to church next year. He smiled. I assured him that I was very serious. I ended with telling him that I had asked, and that it was up to him to follow up with me and give me the blessing." And then I didn't think about it again. In fact, the last week was such a rough one that I had already pretty much decided that I wouldn't be making it to church this morning. And then Leif surprised me last night and reminded me that I had requested a blessing. Such a dear gift he is!

I was told to be a light unto all this year and to push forward with all of my might and then I would be blessed with angels along side me to help me when I needed help. A true blessing.

So, I woke up this morning and went to church. I was well enough to go! I know where that gift came from. How grateful I am for a Father in Heaven who knows my needs. We had a great meeting. Jakob and Leif bore their testimonies. What more could a mama ask for then to hear her little one speak of his love for family and God?

My precious co-teacher ((Teressa Johnson) and I met our new little Sunbeams today. Just three years old they are jewels. One little boy kept whispering to me, "Jesus wants ME for a Sunbeam!" Oh how true he is!

Now I'm sitting at my kitchen table. Typing on my new net book that I used (in my kitchen)) to read THIS recipe. The yummy food is settling and we're about to partake of a YUMMY meal together!

Yes, a good day indeed!


Sandra said...

oohh that recipe looks delicious. I'm glad you were able to make it today. I love nine o'clock time. We have changed to one this year and I'm sure it will be rough on BriLynn. Although with a new baby in a few months it might be a great time :)

Faith 'n Family said...

Looked through your last posts today: SO grateful you were feeling well for church on Sunday. Fun Christmas memories! We had the same experience with Silver last week - marker ALL over her room, the door and hall. Oh, the precious times we have!

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