Friday, January 07, 2011

It's My Birthday and I'll...

So the song says that I can cry if I want to... Maybe I should? No, no test results or anything. I'm just in a real junk mood and I feel bad about it. I've had over a dozen Happy Birthday wishes from friends on Facebook. My family has all called me. And Leif has been wonderful as usual. So I feel very loved. But I feel blah too.

I think I'm going to switch my birthday to tomorrow. Maybe I'll feel better. Right now I feel like a smelly dishrag, not very fun to be around wouldn't you say!? Funny analogy:) It just came to me. Maybe it's the dishes still in the sick calling to me that gave me the thought. Ugg, I really dislike dishes. However, I did get some of them done last night as Leif read the final chapters of my book to me. That was Very Nice!! He has said that he'll wash them. But he's done EVERYTHING else today and the hours are slipping away. I've just woke up from a nap. I usually have more energy for a few hours after my nap. We'll see what happens.

Leif is going to take me out to dinner and a movie (Tangled is in town.) But grandma isn't off work in time tonight. So like I said, I think I'll move my birthday celebrations to tomorrow.

Well, just crying here has helped a bit. Don't worry. I'm just fine. Just in a bit of a funk and ready to feel all better. It's time to get this mama better!! The (Celiac Disease) test results should be in by Monday or Tuesday. I hoped they'd be in today. ANYWAY, thank you sweet friends and family for your Happy Birthday Love, I've felt it! Even if this post doesn't show it!


The Odd Couple said...

Hang in there Mama! I know how your feel though...I've had those days myself. Happy Birthday by the way, sorry that you didn't have the best day. It will be interesting to know what's wrong with you. I have thyroid issues and my mom and sister both have Celiacs along with my best friend. It is definitely a good thing to know. Have a good weekend!

Sandra said...

Hopefully the day improved. Did you go see Tangled? We saw it with Kevins parents on New Years when they were up here. (it's rare for us to take all the kids out to a movie as it can get expensive.) We usually wait till it comes on red box or in the cheap theater. I thought it was a cute movie though. Keep us informed on what you hear about the test results.

Heidi Hamilton said...

I'm so sorry that it wasn't a 5-star birthday Lena! I have been there, too, though - and I'm glad you're able to think positive. You'll have to let us know if you had a better "birthday" the next day.

Janee said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you're feelin better!

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