Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lunch Box Lunches and Lunch Box Notes Ideas

Going Gluten Free makes breakfast and lunch from home a requirement. I don't mind at all. It gives me another way to help my kids feel better during the day as well as a way for me to take a minute and show a little extra Mama Love. 

So here's where you come in:) Some of you have posted some great healthy sack lunches and lunch box note ideas on you blogs in the past. But I didn't need them at the time. Now I need them. Can you send me your ideas!?  I look forward to hearing from you!!

PS. Don't worry if your ideas aren't gluten free! I will do the conversion, No Worries!


Shanell said...

We have done the gluten-free thing (although now we are doing a mold-elimination diet) with mixed results. My kids (age 7 and 10) did have a few favorites:
1-a sliced apple with all natural (real) almond or peanut butter, lays chips for a carb
2- turkey roll up on a white corn tortilla with turkey, ranch, cheese, and avocado slices
3-thinly sliced vegges and humus
4- make-your-own-nachos: bag of tortilla chips, grated cheese, guacamole, diced tomatoes, etc. that they can dip the chips into however they wish
5- cold (gluten-free) pasta with ranch dressing and finely chopped vegges

Sandra said...

Hey Heather, I just Google lunch box notes to find ones for the kids. There are some sites that cost but I just skip those to find the ones that are free.

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