Sunday, January 23, 2011

WOWSERS! Lots of Blogging and Cleaning Lately

It's time for bed. But I thought I'd drop in and say hello. I know it's not the best Sabbath Day activity, but I cleaned my house today (about killed me, but that's another blog) and Leif came home and helped me clean the boys' room which we reorganized this weekend. So I am a happy Mama tonight. My week starts out with a clean house. So Love It!

Well, I'm working on updating all of my blogs. I got rid of a weird spammer. So I will put my boys' blogs up and public again. Their blogs are fun to share because Jakob is old enough to add to it himself. I will also be actively adding recipes to my recipe blog as well. As I go Gluten Free I find myself making up recipes or wanting to remember certain recipes. Just because you're not gluten free doesn't mean you can't make my recipes either, you just use glutened food;)

I'm having fun on Amazon too. I have an account that lets me show you all of the fun books or products that I love and you can buy them if you're interested. It's been a lot of fun. My recipe blog has the most done right now. Check it out!

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