Friday, February 04, 2011

Foto Friday - February Week 1

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Leif had dental work. I always enjoy a huge belly laugh when I see him with a numbed mouth! So Funny!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
We celebrated Leif's mother's birthday with a nice dinner together.

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Jakob took a picture of JJ. Pure Joy!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Happy Birthday Grandma Baron!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Grandma and Grandpa Hunt dropped in for a quick but enjoyable visit this weekend. We finally exchanged Christmas gifts and enjoyed eachother's company for a while.

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
From Foto Friday - February Week 1
As you can see the boys were thrilled to see Grandpa and Grandma Hunt. Caleb ran out to greet them saying, "Hunt! Hunt!"

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
And one can never go wrong when they come bearing gifts.:)

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Grandpa read Jakob's homemade Jet book with him. He Loved that! Prayer and scriptures together before bed was a sweet moment as well!
From Foto Friday - February Week 1
From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Not to mention a few silly moments!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Jakob woke up and wanted to play with his new toy from G&G Hunt.

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Caleb was in heaven as well. He Loves Trucks!!!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Silly boys playing with baloons!

From Foto Friday - February Week 1
From Foto Friday - February Week 1
Mama's Priceless Boys!


Sharane said...

Love the photos! Thank you for sharing!
Grandparents are the BEST. JJ is getting so big. Adorable. :)

Heather said...

Thanks for the pictures! It looks like you had a great week with the Grandparents.

Sandra said...

Great pics. Looks like everyone had a good time.

Janee said...

Lena, seriously, I just love your foto friday idea! I have SO many pics of the kids that never make it to my blog. I'm might steal your idea ;)

I can't believe how big the boys are getting! It's fun seeing them grow up. And JJ's smile just melts my heart. So precious!

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