Saturday, February 26, 2011

Foto Friday - February Week 4

From Foto Friday - February Week 4
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
This week started and ended with some great snow storms. It's really pretty unless you want to be outside or drive in it.
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
This week ended up being a "Sick Week"/"Home-School" week. We had a great time together. Jakob enjoyed it so much he wants to stay home for good. We'll See... Either way, I enjoyed some quality time with my boys. Love It!
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
Washing dishes is always an adventure when Caleb is around.  He "washed" several toys. Ahh, the Joys!
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
This is something that I am so excited about! Leif built me a "Utility Room" :) I know it's not really the standard Utility Room. But hey, our house has NEVER been standard. He built shelves in the space where the ceiling meets the floor. It's the perfect place for me to store all of my random kitchen appliances. SO NICE!!
From Foto Friday - February Week 4
Friday was my Baking Day. Eating Gluten Free requires a lot of scratch baking. I usually plan the recipes I want to make and then spend several hours in the kitchen. This is a photo of the adventure. Sometimes I end up making a lot of chicken scratch. Other times we end up with some tasty treats. This time was a success.

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