Monday, February 21, 2011

Kindergartener Home Sick? Me Too. Here Are My Homeschool Ideas

We are keeping Jakob home from school for the whole week starting tomorrow. He's really sick as well as Caleb and JJ. Leif said that Jakob's class that usually has 22 kids only had 13 kids in class on Thursday. There is a lot of serious sickness going around.

So, I gathered some "home school" ideas to keep us busy. It makes me think about Home School again. It's fun a lot of the time. But we'll see how this week goes. Here are my ideas.

Morning Devotional: Scriptures and Friend Magazine

Money: Print out ads and have the children count out how much money they need for each item.

Sewing: Teach the children how to sew a straight line (fix Jakob’s bedspread that has a whole on the edge that lets batting out.)

Baking: Bake something using a very basic recipe that includes measurements (focus on 1, ½, ¼ cup). Talk about how the ingredients are made (grains, sugar, eggs, etc.) Grind oat flour. Make juice with electric juicer.

Reading: Read from Charlotte Mason reading list

Writing: Practice writing a short story: Have the child (1) tell the story, (2) illustrate the story, (3) write certain words of the story (mother writes what the child tells her to write and leaves out one/some words for the child to complete (ie sight words, names, etc.)

Art: Allow the children to create their own art (paper or digital)

Computer: Teach your child how to save a project, how to print, how to open a document to write, etc.

Scavenger Hunt: Give the child a list of things to find as they follow certain directions (use left/right or North, East, South, West)

Colored Beans: Allow the child “free play”. (Most likely, you’ll see patterns and counting throughout the playing.

History: American Heritage, George Washington: Prayer at Valley Forge


Exercise and Relaxation: Wii Fit Plus, Wii Sports


Sandra said...

Sounds fun...except for the sickness part. It must be all over because there are so many sick here also.

Heidi Hamilton said...

I keep sitting down to write a comment on your blog & every time some emergency comes up!!
#1. I'm so sorry about your bad day. Sounds miserable. Glad it ended well.
#2. Love your photos - as usual.
#3. Great ideas on this post! If there's one thing I've learned homeschooling is that learning opportunities are EVERYwhere - doesn't have to be a formal, sitting-down, pencil-in-hand session to be learning! :)

Faith 'n Family said...

Great Ideas! A Scavenger Hunt is just the thing we need around our house this week. Thanks for the inspiration!

Lena Baron said...

Karin, I haven't been able to put the scavenger hunt together yet. If you put yours together and it's one that we might be able to use,can you send it our way? Hope you guys are feeling better. Sure wish our junk was gone so we could do the "hunt" together. But maybe another time. Jakob's sure loving the home school thing... I'm really considering it... I'll keep you posted.

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