Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh WOW! So One of THOSE Days!

I need to sift through the events of today and process them. So here it goes:

  • Went to bed last night with a Glutened Episode coming on.
  • JJ has very strange sleeping patterns and routines. It's not uncommon anymore for him to scream, play, or babble for an extended amount of time at some point before 2AM. 
  • Woke up feeling lethargic and gradually got worse throughout the day.
  • Found out Leif ended up sick and overall unwell today.
  • Spent the day researching enzyme therapy for Gluten Intolerance.
  • Found out that insurance will not cover me to go to an allergist. MAJOR bummer! 
  • Made an appointment for a hair cut. So need one!! 
  • Leif came home and we went to take the car into the shop AGAIN, for the second time this month. It wouldn't start so Leif's dad called on AAA for a tow. Sure grateful for his help. So frustrated with the car. It will be payed off this month but will continue to cost money for repairs. Ugg!
  • Found out that the neighbors dog (whom already drives me INSANE with his barking) broke through our fence AND broke down the chicken coup fence. Seems to have hurt him (blood), but our Meany Rooster (Cobra) just may have done his job of protecting his girls. Maybe he is worth his grain.
  • Made an appointment for the Wellness Clinic in SG that practices holistic health using every modality that I know of from Chiropractic to Allergy testing. It will cost less then a regular MD and will certainly give me more information about my body. Thank you tax refund!!
  • Made the decision as a family to Home School. Should be fun (more on this later.)
  • Caleb has been terribly sick again today. I am so weary of changing a dozen diapers and using up a box of kleenex all in one day. I need my boys to feel better!
  • Leif was weary today and had a lot of homework. But he got a lot done. He amazes me in this regard. He has so much control over his will. Awesome!

So, there have been a lot of ups and downs today. Sigh...

Time to go watch Stranger then Fiction with Leif. Such a Funny show! We love it!


Heidi Hamilton said...

Wow! I love these posts where you get to see the nitty-gritty of life. So many frustrating things - so many good things. Sorry about your car :( and the dog :( and the sleeping/sickness issues :(
Not fun.
BUT - I'm excited (selfish, I know) that you are homeschooling! I hope that we can get together for some lessons and/or field trips! Having someone I know homeschooling that I can talk to really helps keep me on track. We've kind of been slacking lately with all the moving stuff.

Faith 'n Family said...

Rollercoaster ride! Hope today goes better!

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