Monday, February 07, 2011

The Ups and Downs

This weekend and leading into today was full of Ups and Downs.

Friday my parents spent the morning and afternoon with us. We visited a bit and went out to lunch together. But I really wanted them to enjoy the all you can eat pizza and salad at the local Lotza Motza. I knew it would be a test for me to see if the floating flour (gluten) would cause any problems.  It didn't at that point. We had a good time and enjoyed our lunch.  I had salad. MMM! I love a good salad bar!!! After lunch my parents headed home and I took the boys to a birthday party. I really enjoyed visiting with my friends for a while and letting the kids play. I followed my friend home and raided her video collection. That night we watched Toy Story 3 with the kids. Leif and I then watched RED. That was a fun show with a little bit of unnecessary. But mostly fun!  So looking back, Friday was a fun day!

Saturday we woke up, got ready, packed food, and left for St. George for the temple and then a shopping trip.  My sweet aunt Joann watched our kids while we were in the temple. The temple is always a calming experience. We hope to make it a habit to go every month. Once we gathered the kids we began our shopping.  Several hours later we were on our way home, exhausted, and our trunk overflowing.  I did get a Great Gluten Free cookbook though! But WOW! Caleb was a nightmare this trip. It is rare to have all out screaming fits while shopping. Let's just say this was one of the "rare" moments.  By the time we got home, put the kids to bed, unloaded the car, and climbed in bed. I could tell I was in for it the next day. I did not feel good. I woke up with a migraine in the middle of the night.

Sunday the pain kicked in.  While Leif went to church with the boys I searched my brain for why I was having a gluten attack.  I really didn't think a pizza shop could put me down.  The only new thing I ate Saturday was Trail Mix from Costco. I thought I had read all of the label.  However, one of the last paragraphs says that the Trail Mix was milled on the same mill as wheat. LOVELY! Behold, the source! And then we got a phone call last night from my parents. They were in a car accident that night. Luckily they are okay. But it is an extra scary thing for my dad to be in any kind of accident. He has severe osteoporosis. So his bones break very easily. I was shook up over how quickly things can happen. Crazy! A true blessing that they are okay.

And that leads us to today.  Well, last night as we were winding down for bed we actually became quite stressed. Leif realized that he wasn't sure if the Nursing Program we have been planning on will work with the scholarship we're planning. So we went to bed upset and woke up with the same stress. Sure enough, the program won't work (deadlines and start dates don't match.) So we spent the morning scrambling to figure something else out. Eventually we worked out another plan. But it's still very stressful! After we settled down about that I colored my hair. It didn't turn out too bad. So I'm happy about that. I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of the kids and working on a blogging project. So that was fun. Tonight we had family home evening around the table as I made bread and muffins for the upcoming week. They didn't turn out too bad. So I'm happy about that! It's always nice to sit and read the Children's Friend Magazine. Jakob really enjoys their stories. So that brings us to the moment. I've put Oatmeal in the crock pot for breakfast, I need to pack Jakob's lunch, and JJ is finally acting tired. And So Am I!  So that's The Story. Gnight All! 


Sandra said...

I saw on Facebook that your Dad broke a rib. Thats so scary. Life seems to do that a lot. Hopefully though you get more ups than downs. Hugs

Joylybean said...

Hey Lena - I hope you remember me so that you don't think I am some kook out there following your blog - I lived next door to you in the Heritage 4th Ward. Anyway - I wanted to share a very easy Gluten Free bread recipe. The bonus - it is also low carb.

2 cups flax seed meal
1 Tbls baking powder
1 tsp salt
1-2 Tbls sugar equivalent
5 beaten eggs
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup oil

Preheat oven to 350 degres and prepare a 10x15 baking pan with oiled parchment paper.

Mix dry ingredients using whisk. Add wet ingredients and mix well. Spread batter evenly on pan and then let sit a couple of minutes to thicken up.

Bake for about 20 minuts (until it springs back when you touch it). Yields 12 slices

I think this bread tastes great and I have a cousin who has to eat GF and this is now his favorite recipe because he can have PB&J sandwiches.

Joy B

Lena Baron said...

Of course I remember you Joy!;) This is exactly what I'm looking for! I really like cooking with flax because of all of the health benefits. Are you eating gluten free? I'll put this on my Gluten Free blog. Thanks!

Joylybean said...

I am not eating gluten free but when my cousin was diagnosed I started looking for recipes that were simple and tasty. This one worked great - ingredients are easy to find and it is delicious.

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