Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do You Want My Posts Emailed To You, Or NOT! No Worries Either Way.

So, this post will require a response for some of you. So please read on.

I will be deleting my "email post to..." email addresses next week UNLESS you comment and tell me that you want to keep/start getting my posts sent to you through email. Just know that I honestly will NOT be offended if you do not want these posts as emails!!! I understand the need to be picky about emails, and I publish a lot of posts on this blog. So, send me an email or make a comment here IF YOU WANT EMAILS. If I don't hear from you, I will not put you on the email list. Nuf' Said. Just let me know. Thanks!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I have you down on the side bar, so it comes up when you update :)

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