Sunday, March 13, 2011

Foto Friday March Week 2

We stopped at a huge pile of gravel on our way up North. It was a great distraction from the long drive. 
Good Times, Indeed!
JJ Crashing with Uncle(s) Jared and Nate Hunt 

 Cove Fort, a great little piece of Mormon Pioneer History. Leif and I would love to build a fort like this someday for our family and family members to share. Seriously! (this is the South side view, it wraps around and forms a U shape. It has their gardens (and animals) in the back behind the fort with a large courtyard in the middle. Love It!
This is the upper level, look out balcony.
This Elder (Senior Missionary) was great! He gave us a little toy at the end of the tour.
The missionary had Jakob close his eyes and point to a Book of Mormon, and with a smile told Jakob that this is the place where he will serve his mission someday. He pointed to the Russian Book of Mormon. Look out Russia, Here He Comes!!
I FINALLY found a decent Gluten Free bread mix (Pamela's Products) and made a decent loaf of bread in my Great Breadman Bread Machine. I think it will only be up hill from here as I continue to learn the machine and mixes. Thanks Love for making my life easier (buying the bread machine.) 
MY HERO'S!!! These wonderful men spent the whole day Saturday putting this dishwasher in. Ahhh, I can not tell you how wonderful this gift is. I didn't even realize the difference it would make! As I sit here, the day's dishes are being washed. My sink has been clear for TWO DAYS. I was able to bath the baby without major surgery. Amazing! THANK YOU Leif and Baron Parents for getting this for me! Truly, Thank You!
BTW: Doesn't Leif look HOT! MMM, and he's Mine! I'm a lucky woman!;)


Patricia Potts said...

great photos Lena. What is your address? You aren't on brown street anymore are you?

Heather said...

Great photo's. You didn't tell me he ended up getting you a full size dishwasher! That is totally awesome!

Janee said...

You can tell Leif has lost a lot of weight! He looks great!

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