Sunday, March 20, 2011

Foto Friday March Week 3

From Foto Friday March week 3
We have had a great week it's been full of change, improvement, togetherness, and love!
From Foto Friday March week 3
One of Jakob's favorite new school tools is our White Board. He Loves to draw. All of his drawings have a whole story to tell behind them.
From Foto Friday March week 3
A week or so ago I showed the tiny closet that Leif made me in a nook space behind the wall. Well, this week he opened up the opposite wall and we store tools and household maintenance tools there. LOVE IT!
From Foto Friday March week 3
It seems that almost every time I turn around Jakob is in the process of creating something new. Whether it be with paper through drawing, or freezing something, or taping random toys and tools together to create a camera (such as this item) We Love Jakob's creative mind and heart!
From Foto Friday March week 3
Jakob hiding as he waits for his friends to come over.
From Foto Friday March week 3
I slipped away one afternoon to the School Book Fair. I was excited to read Caleb the book that the Librarian helped me pick for him. It's called "Hot Rod Hamster." Caleb loves anything with wheels and he loves animals. So this was a perfect fit for him. Fun and Precious Moments!

One of my close friends whom I grew up with (Heidi (Potts) Hamilton) moved to CC about an hour and a half away from us. We went up to visit them on Friday. It was so fun to catch up a bit and watch our kids and husbands enjoy each other's company. It warms my heart to see our kids together. Sends me back in time...
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
- Jakob, this is a picture of a true friend. She is encouraging you without judgement. Pure! -
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
*** Can't wait til' next time Heidi!***

Our Silky Chicks hatched this weekend. They are so cute and friendly. They walk into our hands and calm down when we talk to them. We found a great Brooder Pen at the local thrift store. It's perfect size and it allows us to interact with the chicks a lot more with no worries of tipping over boxes or heat lamps. Very fun and So Sweet!
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3
From Foto Friday March week 3


Patricia Potts said...

i love your foto friday! What a legacy! Of course I love the pictures of McKinley and Ireland too!!

Heidi Hamilton said...

:) Great pictures. I love to see them! And I love especially how well Jakob & McKinley got along. Next planning session, we'll plan to come down there. I want to come before those adorable chicks are all grown up!

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