Wednesday, March 30, 2011

General Conference With Little Ones

Making General Conference fun and exciting is a tradition in our family. We began this tradition almost three years ago and it has only become more enjoyable as the years go by. Every year I have become a little more organized and prepared which is very helpful in pulling it all off.

The following links are the things that I WANT to do this conference weekend. Don't think for a minute that we will actually do all of them. There are four constants to our General Conference tradition: Listening to the Word of God, a Conference Tent, Activity Packets, and Goodies. Today is my planning day as well as our Conference Recap day #1 where we reviewed last year's talks during Home School.

Here are some ideas from MormonMomma’s Blog

Conference Baggies Keeps the kids anticipating the next speaker.

Tents Toward the Temple This year we are going to use our actual camping pup tent. It should help keep the boundaries more clear for the boys.

Folder Fun Keeps papers in one place.

Friendly Finds Put the Children’s Friend to good use.
Law of Witnesses Helps us as parent’s get in the right mindset.

Pray for the Prophet Again, this is good for the parents.

Apostle Count A fun and simple idea!

When Ye Are Prepared Takes work, but worth it!

Sweet Spirit Dedication and preparation. 

I would Love to hear any of your ideas!! Especially healthy snacks ideas!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I still love that conference tent idea. We really need to do that. We have had them do a conference bingo with the apostles pictures. When they see them talk they mark them off and see who gets it first. We usually just print the conference packets. I'm so excited for this weekend!

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