Thursday, March 17, 2011

JJ! Can He REALLY Be This Old!?

I can not believe that JJ is almost 8 months old. Good Heavens, if I have another baby the poor little soul won't have ANYTHING written about them. I barely have any individual posts about JJ.

My precious Mr. Smiles is sitting up all by himself. He scoots all over, rolls around, and pulls himself where he wants to go. He babels up a storm and sometimes I swear he's saying words that make sense. JJ is the apple of his brothers' eyes. Oh how they love him, and he LOVES them!!

JJ officially became my first baby who required me to feed him in a quiet private place. He became way too distracted to eat otherwise. Now, at 7+ months old I am working on weaning him to a bottle. I need to be able to take things that aren't necessarily good for a breastfeeding baby. And, I REALLY need to sleep through the night. So, we're hoping to help JJ eat more during the day and require less throughout the night. Right now he's drinking 50/50 breast milk and formula bottles and doing well during the day. But I really don't want to bottle feed during the night. So we're working on that. I will stop pumping milk next week.

JJ has had an ear infection for the last month. Uggg! Two rounds of antibiotics. JUNK! I finally started in with the garlic oil drops and On Guard doTERRA Essential Oil blend (THANKS Jared and Heidi!!!) Today is the first day in many many days that I haven't had to give him IBProfin. I hope he continues to get better.

This big little man weighs in at at least 18+ pounds and wears 9-12 month sizes.
Oh how precious he is! He makes me baby-hungry!

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