Friday, March 11, 2011

The Power That A Little Change Makes

Ahh, a haircut, a breath of fresh air indeed! A new homemade closet that gives me some counter space. More opportunity to feel emotion as I detox from certain medication. A good friend moving closer, something to look forward to.

Yes, sometimes change is very good!


Heidi Hamilton said...

Change IS good! :) Hope to see that new haircut in PERSON soon!
I loved your pictures. I think it's so awesome that you guys have your chickens. And a TURKEY! wow! Makes me think of our Little House on the Prairie book.
Oh- and your new breadmaker. WOW! Looks super high-tech. I bet if Jason saw that HE would be wanting to make bread! :)

Patricia Potts said...

so true and well put. thanks Lena

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