Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weight Watchers, I'm On My Way!

Thanks to a couple of friend's and my sister, I've finally found the right balance of self-motivation and a support group to start getting healthy with Weight Watchers! We went to the meeting and joined today. Thanks Ladies, you know who you are! Here's to a great journey! 


Patricia Potts said...

May the force be with you! You go girl!

Melonee said...

Thats great, Lena! I did WW online a couple years ago and lost twenty pounds really easily (before falling off the wagon). It is such a great program!

A monthy ago I started doing Zumba and just watching what I eat, with a calorie goal for each day and I've lost 11 pounds... it really is all about find the motivation and support. I'm glad you've found it!!

Good luck!

Lena Baron said...

Thanks so much ladies! I'm excited!!

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