Sunday, April 24, 2011

Caleb's Train Cake - Third Birthday

Caleb turned 3 this month. Leif and I have a tradition of making the boys' cakes together. We try to make it into something fun just for them. It's been a great thing so far. Caleb wanted a train this year. So this is what we came up with. It's a few cakes cooked in bread pans.









Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh my goodness! I love the train cake! My little guy just turned 3 this month too. He had a pirate party, but got a train for his birthday. :)

Lena Baron said...

Thanks! It was a lot of fun to make!

Sandra said...

Thats a great idea! I love it.

Heidi Hamilton said...

So cute Lena! Teamwork! I am lazy when it comes to the cake - BUT I try to compensate in other ways.
Loved your pics from last week! Can't wait to see it in 3D!

Janee said...

How stinkin cute! Love it!

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