Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Christ's Last Week Days 1-3 (Home School Happenings)

You may note from my previous post that we are studying the last week of Christ's life on earth this week. I wanted to fit the true meaning of Easter into our home school. Today was a good meaningful short and sweet school day. I wanted to share what we did. I planned ahead and then changed things as needed.

Today I printed out THIS. It is another booklet that gives a play by play of Christ's last days on earth. It gives me the scripture references that I need to actually read things from the scriptures as we talk. It also gives a short paragraph about each day. I cut the pages out and stapled just the days together with the beautiful picture as the cover page.

We then reviewed Days 1 and 2 (since we're on day 3). Then I made a few lines on the back of the booklet pages. Jakob then wrote the following on each page: Day 1 Hosanna! Day 2 Temple, Day 3 Parables. And we will of course continue this as the days go on. (Prior to this activity Jakob passed off a Scholastic Reader for a sticker on THIS fantastic Reading Sticker Chart.) Anyway, after practicing his very best handwriting skills we moved into the lesson activity for the day. We read the parable of The Ten Virgins from the bible. Then we watched the following two YouTube videos. He really enjoyed this and the spirit was strong. After watching we talked about the meaning of the parable and how it applies in our life. I then asked Jakob to tell the story back to me. This is a struggle for him. But once he got in the right mindset he did great!

Short and Sweet and Covered a lot!
Here's the great YouTube videos called: They That are Wise: Music Video and PARABLE of 10 Virgins.

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