Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

If you are a regular reader here, you'll know that I had grand plans for this past week and this weekend. Well, some plans panned out, and some did not. And in the end, all was well and wonderful.

Jakob helped me feel at peace about not following through with all of my plans with his precious words to Leif and I as he got ready for bed tonight. He said with a sigh "Thank you for this lovely lovely Easter..."  And it was. Yes, Thank You Father!

We fit in a whole lot of festivities and YouTube videos about Easter. And in the middle of it all, we managed to turn our house upside down. When Leif put the Washer and Dryer in it shifted the whole dynamic of the house and where everything fit. Once we got started with rearranging it just went crazy. We ended up moving the boys all into one room, the huge office desk out, and the study into the nursery room. We are sifting through clothes and cutting back. This then causes us to remove furniture from the house. And then to top it off, we have decided to finally build a wall in front of our bedroom. And it will have a Door! It has been years since I have had a bedroom. And outside, we brought G&G's trampoline over to our yard (Caleb kept climbing through the dog door and causing problems and I want to see the kids when they're outside.) So a lot of good changes. One sad note is that we had a turkey (the female we bought Turkey because he was lonely) fall into the ducks watertub and drown. We were really sad to make this discovery!

This morning Leif woke up with a strange case of vertigo. So we didn't get to church together. But Jakob and I went. Then tonight we had dinner at Leif's parents with his grandparents. We hid the boiled eggs for the kids. Then they hid them for us. Then we sat together eating chocolate as we visited.

Yes, a Lovely Easter indeed!



















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