Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Last Week of Jesus' Life on Earth - Home school and Family Plans -

This year I have hope of helping my boys understand the meaning of the Easter Celebration just a little bit more clearly. Home schooling will be very helpful in this regard.  Here are our plans for this upcoming week.

MONDAY:  We will use our MBP curriculum which just happens to be about special holidays this week. We will make a Holiday Book. I will then introduce THIS activity. It's a day by day walk through the last week of Christ's Earthly Ministry. We will then watch a couple Mormon Messages on YouTube about Easter.
TUESDAY: We will read and explore the parables that Jesus taught.
WEDNESDAY: We will do an Easter egg decorating activity. I'm hoping to make dye from natural sources.
THURSDAY: (Papa is home all day!:) We will be having a "Last Supper" meal together drinking grape juice, eating Quinoa, and chicken, eaten on my fine China. Leif and I will help the kids understand what this meal was all about. We will also wash the boys' feet (with plenty of giggles I'm sure;) and we will try to help them understand the example of service that was set by Christ.
FRIDAY: Friday we will read about the Atonement and watch a short video. We will also make homemade chocolate candies to give away the next day (we won't eat ANY, this will be tough and give us a chance to talk about the selfless sacrifice our Saviour made for us. Although I am well aware that the sacrifice doesn't compare. We do our best right!?  
SATURDAY: This is our traditional Easter Bunny celebration. Our town holds a great Easter egg hunt and the kids get to find their baskets. I think we'll hide them outside this year. It's so beautiful right now. I'm pondering a picnic at our local cemetery. I know it sounds strange. But it is the most peaceful place in the town and it could give us a moment to remember why the Ressurection is so special for our family.
SUNDAY: We will do THIS Activity (Easter Egg Lesson) to give a quick but fun review of the week and it's wonderful meaning. And we will rest.

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