Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mama's Rambling

Can you believe I am actually sitting here ALONE! No one is calling for me. No one is crying. It's just me, and you. -Deep breath- it's a little strange. What do I do now?  Oh yeah, I talk to you. How am I doing, you ask? Well, that is quite a wide open question. But, I'll try to give you a few answers.  Let's see...

Lately, I have really appreciated good music. Music that lifts me up yet, helps me feel grounded. (Yes, that's possible.) Leif and I found Pandora.com. I love it! Our favorite radio stations are Paul Cardall and Jon Schmidt. However, when I want a little Aloha I turn on the Jack Johnson station.

So this allergy season is killing me! Seriously, it is terrible! I pray that it will all go away soon!

You may have noticed that I'm really really busy these days. Home school keeps me active. That alone probably makes it worth the sacrifice. So far so good. Jakob is coming along really well with his reading skills and that is my main goal this year. I think he's a well balanced little 6 year old. He started baseball this week and seems to Love getting out there to play. I would say he's one of their better players.

-I'm no longer alone.- No worries though, it's Leif with me. He's following his P-90X DVD. He's got the sound turned all the way down. Impressive. I need music to keep me going during a workout. Good Job Leif! Walking is good for me. But soon I need to add something else in to my routine. But I think I'll wait until Summer and exercise with Leif on the days that I don't go walking.  I know he wants me to do the P90X with him. But I'm not sure. It's way intense!

Well, sleep. That is the key to my wellness. I will sign off and go crawl in my den. As I do, I will leave you wise and knowledgeable readers with a question. Why do you think I can wake up feeling well enough, but by the time I've been up 15 minutes I'm a screaming banshee until 11:00. Then all of the sudden almost like a switch that's hit, I'm alright and in control. Seriously, it's a mystery to me. I'm going to order something called Rescue Remedy or Bach Flower Essence tomorrow. I'm hoping it will help me!!


Molly said...

I love and cherish those alone moments. Music is a huge part of my life. There really isn't a minute in my day that I don't have music going on. I listen to it, sing to it, hum it, conduct invisible orchestras, dream about playing the bassoon again, dance to it, recall memories with it, cry to it, laugh to it. And when I can't have music on, there is always a song playing in my head. Music is within me at all times. I too just discovered Pandora. I don't listen to it much, but I when I need some great cleaning music, I love golden oldies-type music.

Sandra said...

Hey Lena, I'm trying to put together things for the kids to do for the Summer. Are there certain things your kids love to do? Any kind of crafts etc.. you do? I'm glad you got a moment to yourself, those are rare he he :) I'm with ya on the sleep though. I get cranky when I haven't had enough to sleep, just ask Kevin he he.

Heidi Hamilton said...

I found Pandora while back & love it, too. If you want something classic & upbeat, try the Dean Martin station. There's also a church music radio station, and a 50's rock & roll station that I love. Jason's had a hard time with the Allergy season, too :( No fun. You'll have to let me know if you guys love Px90 or not. I'm kind of interested, but not sure yet.

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