Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sick Day!

Well today can officially be called a "sick day."  I have been going NON-STOP since last weekend trying to gut out and then put my house back together. Today was supposed to be a day filled with fun visiting. My good friend was coming in to town. Well, last night I fell into bed and I knew I was sick or really tired. Then Jakob woke up this morning sick. So, no visit:( . Big Bummer!

So today is going to be a movie and books kinda day instead!

Here's to feeling better tomorrow!!

BTW: Check back soon for a list of some fun and easy Summer activities ideas for you and your kids! 

1 comment:

Heidi Hamilton said...

:( I'm so sorry you guys are not feeling well. I just have to say that it was not meant to be today!
McKinley said a sweet prayer at lunch that Jakob would feel better & Ireland keeps asking when we get to go to "Jakob's farm" :)
E-mail me back & let me know if next Thursday will work for you. It's Cinco De Mayo, but we don't have any special plans for it yet: )

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