Sunday, May 22, 2011

Unexpected Events: Tornadoes

I was going to spend my afternoon at my "Thinking Corner" catching up on some fun blog posts. Things like Foto Friday, sharing a Special Award, a Gratitude Post, and more. Instead, I found myself preparing for and  picnicking outside, and keeping up-to-date with one of  the latest natural disasters. Joplin MO was hit with a devastating tornado this evening. I have family who live in and around Joplin Missouri. In fact, my parents live with my uncle in Carthage MO, just outside of Joplin at the moment. So this has hit home in a way.

Luckily all are accounted for and well. Unfortunately, a few of the apartment building's my uncle owns were damaged as well as their Stake Center (the largest church building for the local LDS congregation.) My uncle is the bishop for that area so he is out tonight with his sons and other people surveying the damage and I'm sure helping where he can.  I'm glad that they are okay, and sorry for the huge amount of loss.

So tonight I will go to bed with a prayer in my heart for loved one's near and far. And tomorrow I will take the time to share a few fun things about life closer to home.

1 comment:

Molly said...

So glad to hear your family is safe. Along with the prayers for the family, pray that some of that weather will head this direction. We haven't had any rain since October. Things are dry and dusty here. Wishing all the best to your family in MO.

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