Sunday, June 19, 2011

Foto Friday June Weeks 1 & 2

The last two weeks were marked by the arrival of our latest homestead inhabitants, Prince Charming and Snow White, our bunnies. We've enjoyed their company and soft hair. We enjoyed an evening Summer storm that came through and gave us the chance to watch the lightning and learn a little bit about electricity and lightning, not to mention a great family moment. This week Leif was voted in officially by the City Council as a Volunteer Fire Fighter. We are very proud of him for his willingness and excitement to serve the community! He was called out to his first fire this week. It was a semi truck fire. Somewhere in the middle of this week we found an afternoon to start gutting out Leif's dad's green house. It's been used as a storage area and it really needs a clean up. Another Great couple of weeks!
Prince Charming
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
The Happy Couple
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3

From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
Helping Mama with Laundry
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
We made Garden Plant Markers on salad plates
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
Our Little Tomato
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
Leif's First Fire
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
Leif and his dad fixed the fan in his laptop. It was a lot of work and money saved!
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
Jakob built a Baby Fort
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3
From Foto Friday June Weeks 2 & 3


Heidi Hamilton said...

Great pictures! CUTE CUTE bunnies!!
I will get back to you on the camping thing once I can corner Jason :)

Harmony said...

Fun Photos love the bunnies names. They are so cute.

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