Monday, June 06, 2011

A Little Summer Romance: Happy Birthday My Love!

I have had a secret for the last month or so. :)  I planned ahead with Leif's mom and asked her to watch the kids for the weekend of Leif's birthday, I reserved a night at the Victorian Inn in Kanab,  I made a CafePress shop and designed a special Chicken themed T-Shirt for Leif, and I waited impatiently!:)

Finally the date arrived and I ended up spilling the beans a little early so we could make some plans together which added more to the fun. The day before Leif's birthday we actually took Caleb and Jakob to Leif's brothers house (which they really enjoyed) and we drove over Cedar Mountain to Cedar City and watched Pirates of the Caribbean (which LEIF enjoyed;) and then we went to dinner (which I really enjoyed.) As we drove I read a book out loud that we're reading together (Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood.) It was a great way to start Leif's Birthday celebration.

On Leif's actual birthday I spent the morning finishing up last minute things and then we got on our way. However, as we were loading in the car to go I noticed that one of our front tires was practically shredded on one side. Somehow it was still holding air, but we were truly blessed that we didn't get in an accident while driving over the mountain the day before. So before any fun, we dropped our car off at the shop. We went and ate a yummy dinner at Houston's and finally, an unexpected $300 later, we hesitantly (because of the money) headed to our hotel.

We were able to quickly forget our concerns, don't worry!;) We had a wonderful time together the rest of the day and into the evening. The only damper was that I got really sick in the middle of the night. But that was just a result of my stupidity and the food choices that I made over the couple of days. Consequences, Ugg!

That morning after sleeping in we dropped by to hug the boys and then we headed out to Kolob Reservoir. Leif got a new fishing pole for his graduation/birthday present and he wanted to try it out. The drive out the the reservoir was gorgeous! We found a little nook along the lake and settled ourselves in for one of the most relaxing days I have had in years. We were together, surrounded by beauty, the sounds of nature, Leif was entertained with his fishing, and I read a good book. Who could ask for much more?

Happy Birthday My Love! 

Image of Victorian Inn Kanab, Kanab
Victorian Inn, Kanab. Think four-poster king sized bed and double sized jacuzzi tub!
This is the image on Leif's T-Shirt. It's clearer on the shirt.

From Foto Friday June Week 1
From Foto Friday June Week 1

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