Wednesday, June 08, 2011

On a More Personal Note

I've been wanting/not wanting to write lately. Just a note on my personal realities. Something's held me back. Not sure what. But anyway, here it is, like it is.

My last wellness post was chipper and filled with great success. Uh, yeah, don't challenge things by celebrating too loudly. Bummer, but true!

So what's the story?

Well, almost everything I eat sets off an allergic reaction (hive like symptoms). Seriously, almost everything. And this has moved me closer to a depressive frustrated state of being. It's no good! Friday I'll go to the doctors and get a bunch of tests run (I'm assuming.) Then I'll start taking antidepressants again. Eventually, (hopefully sooner then later) I will have a GI scope done. And then I will meet with the ENT and talk about the possibility of taking out my tonsils and adenoids.

In the meantime, we all have sinus infections and I have a lot of homework to do this week. My load lightens up a lot starting next week. I'm really enjoying my classes. That helps a lot when I have big papers due. Leif is AMAZING! I know he's wondering who stole his wife and left the bear in her place. But he's handling things well and I am eternally grateful for his patience and love! We have a lot on our plates. I haven't even mentioned the stresses Leif is facing right now. Let me do that for the record.

We found out on Leif's birthday that the Nursing school that Leif was going to go to has put a hold on their program. That puts a huge kink in our plans. In the meantime he will:

  • Apply for the Masters of Health Administration program at NAU and pray that they will accept him. 
  • Update his massage therapy licence.
  • Sign up for the next CNA classes. 
-This is us rolling in, and out, with the tide.- 


Sandra said...

I hope that things work out with Leif's schooling. Good luck with your classes as well. I hope the docs can figure out what's causing all the reactions.

Lena Baron said...

Thanks so much Sandra! It was a better day today.:)

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