Friday, July 01, 2011

Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4

From Foto Friday Banner
Busy! Busy! Busy! Leif has been working on putting his Day Spa together, fighting fires, and helping around the house and yard. I (Lena) have finished up one summer class and am still working on the other, I am planning the home school year, and just trying to keep the house and family in order and happy. Jakob has loved his swimming lessons, is LOVING the visit he's had from his cousin, and lost his first tooth this past week. Caleb charms us with his kisses, is talking more and more, and is having slight ear issues (bloody wax drainage.) JJ will be 1 year old this month, LOVES following his brothers around and mimicking the tone of their voices, and he's working on standing on his own. As a family we have taken a few drives to get out of the heat of the day (touring the outskirts of Fredonia and up to a lookout point on the Kaibab), watched the movie Cars2 in the theater, and experienced the intensity of a knowing that Papa is fighting a wildfire near by. Overall the last two weeks have been full and fast!
Party Time at the Park!
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
Good Times at Home!
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
Good Times with K!
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
Good Times at the Library!
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
Good Times on the Kiabab!
Papa's Telling about Mirror Signaling from that point as a Boy Scout
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
Fredonia Wildfire 2011
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4
From Foto Friday June Weeks 3 & 4


Molly said...

Looks like you guys have had a ton of fun! Thanks for all you guys have done with K.

Sandra said...

ha ha that last picture makes me laugh. What a cute kid!

Mecham Family said...

Fun pictures! It sounds like your family is busy! It's good to be busy, especially when you are busy together. Cute boys!

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