Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Just a Little Break

Well, I broke my back yesterday. Got your attention!? I thought so:) Well, I really did fracture a vertebrae in my back yesterday, can you believe that!? Yep! JJ was falling down a little hill when we were playing at a friend's house and Grace here, wasn't so graceful and I fell right on my rear as I tried to rescue him. I have Osteopenia  in my lower back and so when my back gradually started to throb more and more I decided to go get an X-ray. Sure enough a small fracture. It's not is a place that will cause pain. But it's an interesting thought to know that you have a fracture in your back. Lovely! Just wanted to share For the Record. All is well! I'll take more calcium :)


Harmony said...

Oh Lena I am so sorry. You said that it isn't in a place that will cause pain but that it throbs so is it causing pain now?

Janee said...

Oh no!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery girl...

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