Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bronchitis... Lovely!

Our sweet Caleb came down with a sudden and strong case of Bronchitis today. He went to bed with a fever and woke in the middle of the night struggling. By the afternoon we were at the Dr and by the evening we were back into the ER because he couldn't catch his breath. They gave him a steroid shot and a nebulizer treatment. It opened him up enough to fall asleep. Oh how I hope it all just goes away soon. This was a bit of a scary day.


MN said...
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MN said...

I know this is a little strange but this really does work. If you have a vaporizer, but about 2 or 3 TBSP of the cheapest Vodka you can buy and run it all night in the room. By morning he should be able breath. My daughter has asthma and it has saved us from multiple visits to the Dr's office and the ER at night. If you do it every night for a week, it should clear up his lungs. Monica

Molly said...

So sorry to hear about Caleb.

Lena Baron said...

Wow Monica, I hadn't heard that one. I might just try it. Thanks!

Harmony said...

So sorry to hear about Caleb. Your probably not coming over here today right?

Sandra said...

I hope he gets better soon. I'm sure it's hard on him and you.

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