Monday, January 02, 2012

Now What!?

Well Jakob starts school tomorrow. Now What? Up to this point my days have been filled with Wild boys whom I've tried to calm down enough to teach and in the meantime tried to keep the house from caving in. So much of our subject material throughout the day has been at a First Grade level. Now I have to switch gears and go back to focusing on Preschool and Potty Training. And I just might have enough time to keep my house tidy AND organized. What a Dream... And to think that I will be able to take the little boys to the Preschool Library hour without dragging Jakob along and having him steal the show, bless his little smarty pants heart!;) And the thought of visiting with my friends without my sweet Radar ears to add his two scents into the conversation. Get ready girls, time for our afternoon lunches again!! Anyone up for walking to pick up the kids after school? Let me know!!

I will miss my Jakob on occasion I'm sure. But the whole decision to send him back to the Big School started when he went on a road trip with G&G Baron for several days. I was in total shock by how refreshingly wonderful it was to be able to sit on the floor and play with my little boys and read books at their level. And then I felt the joy of Jakob's return home and I realized that it was time to send him out of the nest for a time and allow everyone to feel that excitement and refreshment on a daily basis.

I've set out his clothes, packed his supply box with a little Lunch Box Love Note, and set out the Morning Devotional book for us to read before he leaves for the day. All is well!

Life is a journey of change and a lesson taught through change. I have worried about making this change, especially in the middle of the school year. But sometimes the most important step in the journey is recognizing when it's time to take the next turn. It's time...


Heidi Hamilton said...

Man - I'm behind! took me a while to catch up on what's happening with your cute family. Congrats on your decisions with Jakob's schooling & Leif's education. I know that the deciding part is often the hardest - and then you can move ahead. That's neat that you are still incorporating home schooling into your week and still get that special time with your 2 little ones. I know I feel so blessed to have Ireland go to AM preschool & McKinley going to PM Kindergarten. It allows for so much more precious 1-on-1 time with my girls. Loved reading your traditions, too. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! Love ya!

Lena Baron said...

Thanks Heidi! So good to hear from you!

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