Looking back I am in awe at how Father in Heaven knows our life's plan so intricately. He was easing Leif into my life long before I even took notice. Helping me gain just enough trust and attraction to him to give me the courage to call him. Looking back I remember sitting next to him in Sacrament meeting and feeling so safe, so at home. That feeling only grew as we fell in love. Eventually it was a tangible warmth that filled my soul. Just to be with him. Leif was the life breath to my heart. So long my heart had been still that I learned to live without it. When he walked into my life the wall around my very being crumbled allowing him entrance. As if it knew he was finally home and there was no need to protect. I will never be able to express the miracle his love worked upon my soul. As I write, the tears fall down my cheeks with a deep understanding of the gift he is to me.
When we were dating Leif loaned me a book. I don't remember the door that it unlocked within my heart but I remember sobbing as I read. Leif walked in while I was crying and he scooped me up into his strong and healing arms. I will never forget the feeling of peace that surrounded me during that moment. Warmth, love, healing, Christ like peace. I knew he was who Father had saved for me. He was the man I dared not dream about. One with perfect acceptance. To feel such peace was intoxicating for me. I had never in my entire life felt the healing that Leif brought. Just by being him. He still renews my soul when he enters the home. There is just something about him that completes me.

I am grateful that Leif has never felt so desolate as I have felt. I think my need for him has been somewhat baffling for him throughout the years. As our life has progressed and the good the bad and the ugly have entered onto the stage, there are dark nights when I cry to him in frustration because I feel that he could go on with his life without me. He assures me in his faith-filled way that we shouldn't worry about the possible days ahead of separation. He tells me that he will miss me very much. But the struggle comes when I can't feel his words any more then he can feel the ache within my soul. There is something there. Something personal within us that is ours alone to work through. Love can only heal so much before it is Christ's love that is required to make up the rest.
Yesterday Leif came home from work with dinner, dessert, and flowers. Need I ask for any more proof of his love? Why then, do I? The night before last, Leif worked with the boys and unloaded the dishwasher and loaded it. And that was only one of the many many things he had done that day. Need I ask for any more proof of his love? Why then, do I? This morning Leif made pancakes for us after he had taken Jakob to school. Need I ask for any more proof of his love? Why then, do I? I am not left cold and alone within our cozy bedroom at night... Need I ask for any more proof of his love? Why then, do I?
Why do I expect Leif to read my mind? Why do I compare our life to that of a fictional novel? Why am I tempted to always want more. Why?
The answer is simple. Someone hates this gift that we have been given. Someone wants to destroy this eternal love that I have been given. The Adversary hates our love! It is I who needs to take on this fight. And fight I will! True enduring love is ever changing. Sometimes it is a tangible warmth within the soul. Sometimes it is a giving of your all for the other. Sometimes it is a belief that it will get better and a fight to win it back. Just as the seasons change with the warmth of the sun and the chill of the winds so it is with a true enduring love. Always look for the sun within the season. For it is the Son who endureth in all things.
Thank you Honey. I love you too!
Awww - that was so sweet. So well-written. And it's not even Valentines yet!! :)
I feel the same way. There are some novels I read and I get caught in the comparison trap & sit there & wonder why he doesn't sit & just stare at me or why I don't always feel electricity every time he touches me. And I get amnesia to all the amazing, wonderful things he does for me. This was a great reminder. Thanks Lena!
Great Post Lena, I can feel those days when "whats his face" aka Satan(since he doesn't have a body with a face ha ha) is working on our family. Hugs
Thanks Ladies, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in my weaknesses. ((Hugs!))
No you are not alone. I feel that too so often. You put it so well. It is a fight and we do have to tally up all that we have more often. It think also it is because the relationship we are looking for is the Savior. The only person capable of never letting us down. The trouble is it is hard to figure out how to have that relationship with someone we can not see with our eyes or hear with our ears. All our lives our most important relationships are tangible. I'm still trying to figure that out but I know it is worth it. Why is it do you think that we can hear Satan so clearly but the Savior's voice of encouraging us is surely there as often or more often.
"Why is it do you think that we can hear Satan so clearly but the Savior's voice of encouraging us is surely there as often or more often."
A very good question Harmony!! I'm going to ponder that one today. So good to hear from you! I called and emailed you but haven't heard back from you. How are you??
Speaking of love, I think you'll get a kick out of this (since you were there!) Check out pgs 30-31 :)
Grrr...it's cutting off the last part of the link!
Just go to my blog :)
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