Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ready or Not... It's Official

Leif has been accepted to Northern Arizona University's Accelerated Nursing Program. He will start on May 14th and he will live in Flagstaff for the year of his schooling. We will live here.  Leif deserves a round of sincere Congratulations. And I need a few sincere prayers. So: CONGRATULATIONS My Love!  I knew there was little chance that you wouldn't be accepted. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the reality though...

We knew the letter would be in the mail any day. So when Leif called to tell me it had come I wasn't surprised. But my first reaction was an overwhelming nervous spell, tears, and the words "I don't think I'm ready yet..."

He brought it home and we read it out loud over Leif's favorite meal: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. How appropriate. Jakob was curious about what the letter was and Leif told him he would be starting school again (we haven't told him yet that Leif is Leaving to school). Jakob moaned and frowned and I mummbled "you have No idea." The thought of Leif leaving is mind boggling. In fact, I don't even want to talk about it any more tonight. I'm sure it will be a frequent topic here on the blog as I try to prepare. So I'll say good night for now and try to let my amazing Hubby know how Very Proud I am of him!!  This acceptance is no small thing!


Molly said...

Congratulations to Leif! How very exciting. Lena, you are an amazing woman. To quote the great philosopher, Winnie the Pooh, "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." You can do it!

Lena Baron said...

Thank you so much Molly! I will try to remember that!:) Thank You!

Dawson Family said...

To think of him being gone a year must be overwhelming, but to think of him being DONE in a year has to help. We are still looking at years of school because we are choosing the work full time and go to school one or two classes a semester route. That is overwhelming in itself. You will be stronger because of this, I know it. Good luck. Amy

Melonee said...

Congrats to Leif! Having an end in sight to schooling must be a nice feeling, even with all the overwhelming parts. You are a great wife and mom and I know you'll be able to do this!

That said, there really is no way to swing you guys going with him? ;)

Jeana said...

Congratulations!!! Just remember you are never alone.

Bridger Elementary PTA said...
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Sandra said...

Congrats? Why can't you go with him?

Lena Baron said...

Thank you so much my sweet friends and family! Your support and words of encouragement are very much appreciated! I'll answer the question of why we aren't going with him in my next blog post.

Heidi Hamilton said...

:) Wow. Such a big change. I will definitely pray for you as you prepare for this change. When does he start?
So excited to see you in a little over a week! Lots of catching up to do (& wondering if McKinley can see Jakob for even a few minutes. She would love that :)

nursemandy said...

Congratulations to you both!! That is such a great thing. I just graduated from an accelerated nursing program. It is hard work but Heisman so lucky to have a loving and caring wife and family. Cheer him on and be his support is the best advice I can give you. He will need it. Nursing school is hard but well worth it and it flies by faster than you would think. :) Seriously congratulations again!! If you need advice or someone to talk to who has literally just been through the same thing call me. It would be nice to hear from you. Love you!! Mandy 801-949-9360

Lena Baron said...

Thanks Mandy! I didn't know your program was an accelerated program. Good for you!! I'll be in touch!

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