Monday, March 26, 2012

Family is Love

Tonight I sat down to rest in my favorite rocking chair and watched a precious scene unfold before me. It probably wouldn't be anything grand or special in another person's eyes. But it was priceless to me.

Try to picture this because I chose not to take a picture in fear that I would break the spell. Jakob was sitting in the baby highchair, tray and all, giggling away. Leif was standing behind Jakob with hair clippers in hand, cutting Jakob's hair. Jakob was making a pile of his hair insisting on putting it in a baggy labeled "Jakob's Hair 2012 - 7 Years Old." All the while Caleb was sitting in his Bob the Builder undies on a chair facing the white board drawing a huge "who knows what" on the board, enjoying every moment of his freedom. JJ was sitting on my lap drawing on the MagnetiDoodle Pad.

To add to an already great night I found myself laying on my bed once again trying to sneak in a little rest only to quickly be surrounded by my precious boys. Jakob is a boy after my own heart and he asked for ice cream as our Family Home Evening dessert. So without much fuss we dished up ice cream and ate it together while listening to samples of Veggies Tales songs off of Amazon. Such a sweet simple moment. That led us directly into bedtime scripture study and I chose the scripture to read. I chose the verse from Luke in the bible "For with God nothing is impossible." Jakob climbed up into my lap after prayers and asked for "Snuggle Time." I held him and sang my song to him, Blue Skies. I got interrupted just before the end phrase. He finished it for me.:) All together the evening clearly illustrated the truth that, to me, my Family is Love.    


Anonymous said...

This is so great! I believe family is the second most important thing in life, God being number 1!! I enjoy your blog and would love for you to come and visit/join my blog. My blog is also about family, love and God. I hope to see you and also to continue to get to know one another and be blog/sisters in Christ friends...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my blog is at
Wonderfully Messy Mom

hope to see you there!!

Sandra said...

Amen sista :) I'm so grateful we have those little glimpses and feelings of heaven in our lives. It sure makes it easier to go on daily.

Lena Baron said...

Thank you Brandy. It always feels like a nice hug when I find out that my blog has blessed someones life. Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely visit your blog. I can always use another sister in Christ! Take Care!

Lena Baron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lena Baron said...

Sorry ladies about the delete. It was just a repeat of my comment to Brandy. Sandra, thanks so much for always making comments and giving me long distance hugs. I really appreciate it! Take Care!

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